Thursday 1 May 2008

REVIEW: Titans - 1

Thank heavens above - I was starting to get pretty worried.

The last comic I reviewed from DC was the 'wonderful'
Countdown To Final Crisis 1. Truly, one of the worst books I'd read in quite some time.


I'm so pleased to tell you - Titans issue 1 - is worth buying. And it's not worth buying because it might be worth something one day - it's worth getting because it's a damn good read.

So - why is it so good?

Those of you who will have read the recent Titans East Special will have caught the first part of 'The Fickle Hand', and will be up to speed with the backstory to this issue (part 2).

Luckily, this is one of those rare, well written part 2s - where a reader can jump on without being penalised for missing the start of the story. Judd Winick catches everyone up to speed when the time is right (towards the end of the issue), and asks an interesting question - "who is targeting current and ex-Titans, and why?"

Now - the writing aside - the artwork within this issue is for the most part - utterly fantastic. I would truly be surprised if Ian Churchill's pencils for the Starfire pages don't arrive in poster form sometime soon.

Thank you Judd and Ian. You've singlehandedly restored my faith in DC's ability to write and draw good comics. I salute you sirs.

Pete's Score: 4 out of 5
(truly - the best DC book I've read in months)

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