Saturday 12 July 2008

REVIEW: Secret Invasion - 4

So we've hit the halfway point with Secret Invasion. But is it still the roller-coaster ride of previous months? Or is it starting to peter out a little?


As you might expect after the cliffhanger ending of issue three (Nick Fury's entrance / Spider-Woman messing with Iron Man's mind) - the action picks up almost immediately, taking a quick moment out to link in some moments from the tie in books (The Sentry fleeing earth, Ms Marvel leaving a Skrull in space, Agent Brand in earth's atmosphere, etc), before throwing us into the heat of the battle in Times Square.

Nick's Commandos start kicking some ass and taking some names, and Phobos helps turn the tide of battle by turning the Skrulls against themselves. Not before Nick Fury blasts Ms Marvel into Skrull territory however.

Back in the Savage Land, Tony is still on the receiving end of Jessica Drew's mind-games, which are doing their job in making him believe that he could be a Skrull. The Black Widow provides a timely intervention in the shape of an injection of adrenaline, but Spider-Woman appears to escape...

Over in Times Square, a flash of lightening can be seen, and from the heavens the outline of Thor descends - all watched by Captain America from a distance... But which Captain America?

Happily - Bendis and Yu show no signs of letting up with Secret Invasion, once again delivering a golden example of good storytelling and excellent artwork. Every month that goes by is a testament to the sheer brilliance of this double-act, which I hope (perhaps vainly) will continue far beyond this series.

On a slight downer - I couldn't help but think that maybe it was time for the battle to change location. People are still fighting in Times Square and the Savage Land, and although this is only a few hours (or probably less) for everyone involved - its been nearly four months for us...

Pete's Score: 4 out of 5
(ongoing battle or no - still an excellent comic - recommended)

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