Sunday 13 July 2008

REVIEW: Green Lantern Corps - 25

So here was a nice surprise.

I'm a pretty hefty Green Lantern fan. I used to read my brother's Hal Jordan comics, and when I was old enough to get my own, I was picking up the post-Emerald Twilight stories, which meant that...

Kyle Rayner was, and always will be, my GL.

Sadly, the recent Ion mini-series left more than a little to be desired, and coupled with Countdown to Final Crisis - Kyle fans have pretty much been swearing at the DC offices for some time. But how does Peter J Tomasi deal with Kyle, and the multiple other GLs within Green Lantern Corps?



Peter J Tomasi's words and Patrick Gleason's artwork truly give me hope for the DCU. Right from the opening sequence (multiple GLs attacking the mother Black Mercy), to the closing cliffhanger confrontation with Mongul, you're in for a wild ride. Each character is executed to the fullest, staying true to stories and plots that have gone before (such as Ion recounting a story from his childhood of xenophobia) while still creating wonderous new depths.

Truly - a diamond within the rough. It begs the question though - why isn't DC pushing this book more?

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