Monday 14 July 2008

REVIEW: The Boys - 20

You know you have a good book in your hands, when you're left completely speechless.

If you haven't read Garth Ennis' The Boys before - you're in for a pretty huge surprise. On the offchance that you don't know the premise - in a nutshell The Boys are a CIA backed 'hit squad', there to clean up the problems when super powered humans go astray. And as you might expect - that happens a little more often than you'd think. More often than the superhero community would like to admit.


This issue is part two of the 'I tell you no lie, G.I.' storyline, which usually means a book completely wrapped up in its own storyline and self worth, focusing purely on its core readers. But with issue 20 of The Boys - the fact that this is midway through a multiple part story makes no difference whatsover, as Ennis writes a brilliant book that could easily be a standalone story of its own, or the perfect introduction to the series.

I'm pretty hesitant to go into too much detail about why Garth Ennis and Derick Robertson have such a winner on their hands - not because I can't do it justice - but rather that something this good just shouldn't be spoiled.

Pete's Score: 5 out of 5
(truly - this is a shining example of a full marks comic - great from start to finish, leaving you wanting more)

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