Thursday 17 July 2008

NEWS: The Dark Knight cometh...

If you're anything like me, a comic book fan in general, a person who likes a bit of a action in their films, or just someone with a pulse, you should be interested in the latest Batman film about to hit cinema screens - The Dark Knight. I won't go into great detail about the simply stunning viral marketing campaigns on websites such as I Believe In Harvey Dent and Why So Serious - but it's enough to say that they've increased anticipation over the past year.

But now that the film is out, sadly, much of this material is coming to an end. So before it's all gone - why not head on over to SuperHeroHype for some details on the viral story...

Wednesday 16 July 2008

FEATURE: Web Comic Wednesday Presents... "?"

No - I've not been lax in writing a Web Comic Wednesday Presents feature - I had one lined up and ready to go, but then someone suggested I do something ever so slightly different.

So this week I'm turning the tables a little to find out what your favourite web comic is - and why...!

Lads and lasses, ladies and gentlemen rollup rollup rollup - you are hereby invited to add a comment to this post on the main Biff Bam Pow Comics website and let us know - what is your Web Comic of choice this Wednesday?

MEANWHILE: Catwoman was a brilliant film

REVIEW: Billy Batson & The Magic of Shazam - 1

You know what? Before you say it - yes, this is a kid's book. But you know what else? I really don't care! When you have artwork as good as Mike Kunkel's - you're on to a winner from the start...!

I'm not going to spoil this book too much, as I'm going to make this a mini review, but before giving you my verdict - you should know three main things.


  1. Mary Marvel couldn't have turned evil if she'd been written and drawn by Mike Kunkel.

  2. Captain Marvel feels like a cross between Superman and the Blue Beetle (and it works brilliantly).

  3. Black Adam could (potentially) be more evil than ever before...

Pick it up - you'll end up enjoying it more than you think.

Pete's Score: 4 out of 5
(buy something for the kid in you, or for a kid around you)

Tuesday 15 July 2008

NEWS: I heart Bruce Campbell

One of my all time favourite actors is none other than - Bruce Cambell.

Oddly enough - Bruce is also one of my favourite writers (for both 'Confessions Of A B-Movie Actor' and 'Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way'). So whenever I hear about new Bruce projects - I'm keen to geek out over them.

And having seen Bruce's interview with Comic Book Resources - I'm practically salivating in anticipation of 'My Name Is Bruce', and the UK premiere of 'Burn Notice'...

Click here to read his interview in full!

REVIEW: Echo - 4

Well, it's no secret that I've been loving this series so far. And happily - this issue hasn't changed my opinion at all - it's still a thoroughly good read. But what makes issue four stand out from the others?


Off the back of issue 3's cliffhanger ending (of sorts), Terry has worked his magic in opening by showing one of the most detailled (and disturbing) crime scenes I can remember. I spent a good 5 minutes just looking at the subtle details within the main page (when you see it - you'll know which one I mean), completely blown away by just how breathtaking it was.

Those who have been reading Echo will have noticed that Terry has slowly been feeding a few snippets of Dillion into the book over the past few issues. Dillion Murphy appeared to be a seemingly insignificant but interesting character, but in issue four, we learn that he is in fact very much linked to the events unfolding around Julie - being the boyfriend of Annie - who was the person wearing Echo in the first issue...

A lot more goes on in this book - but if I carried on typing - I'd be spoiling it for you. Pick this book up - it's a good introduction to the series, and a damn good read.

Pete's Score: 4 out of 5
(buy it - it'll be worthwhile)

MEANWHILE: Lois is a dab hand at design

Monday 14 July 2008

NEWS: Oh thank heavens - the DCU will be ok...

...on the Xbox360 and PS3 that is.

To say I was worried about the lameness of the upcoming Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe when I heard about the 'no fatalities' rumour - would be an understatement.

Mortal Kombat without fatalities? That was just ludicrous. The possibility of having Catwoman go up against Sonja without a finishing move... Well it was like thinking about an ice cream sundae and being told that you have to eat dirt.

I couldn't stop thinking about it - but I just didn't like it.

Now - enter E3, and a brand new trailer...

Worried? Not anymore...!

REVIEW: The Boys - 20

You know you have a good book in your hands, when you're left completely speechless.

If you haven't read Garth Ennis' The Boys before - you're in for a pretty huge surprise. On the offchance that you don't know the premise - in a nutshell The Boys are a CIA backed 'hit squad', there to clean up the problems when super powered humans go astray. And as you might expect - that happens a little more often than you'd think. More often than the superhero community would like to admit.


This issue is part two of the 'I tell you no lie, G.I.' storyline, which usually means a book completely wrapped up in its own storyline and self worth, focusing purely on its core readers. But with issue 20 of The Boys - the fact that this is midway through a multiple part story makes no difference whatsover, as Ennis writes a brilliant book that could easily be a standalone story of its own, or the perfect introduction to the series.

I'm pretty hesitant to go into too much detail about why Garth Ennis and Derick Robertson have such a winner on their hands - not because I can't do it justice - but rather that something this good just shouldn't be spoiled.

Pete's Score: 5 out of 5
(truly - this is a shining example of a full marks comic - great from start to finish, leaving you wanting more)

MEANWHILE: Clark's holiday romance